group 1 Firewheel Press group 1 Firewheel Press

J F Saxby

Cassie and Lina long to have a pet to take to the Barefoot Springs Pet Parade. When their neighbour, Bernadette, leaves her ‘grumpy fur-ball’ cat, Gus with them, they think their wish is granted. Little did they know that disasters ahead would spoil their plans—and little did they guess Gus’s surprising secret. This is an easy-to-read book, first in a series, for 5 to 10-year-old pet lovers, especially cat lovers. There are themes of friendship, family, pets, and being prepared for any eventuality, with gentle humour and delightful illustrations by Lisa Flanagan.

J F Saxby, Educator, Librarian, Parent, Grandparent, Writer

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group 4 Firewheel Press group 4 Firewheel Press


It's all fun and games until somebody loses the cat! This delightful tale of fun and frolics is purr-fectly paced for younger readers. Join Cassie and Lina as they begin their pet-sitting adventures with Gus, the most interesting cat encountered in children's literature since Garfield, and with significantly more substance.

Robyn, Primary school educator, Librarian

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group 2 Firewheel Press group 2 Firewheel Press

B.E. grandparent, librarian

Miss 8, one of my granddaughters, loved reading this with me. We only made it to chapter 4 before she had to go home, but we're keen to finish it off next visit. (I did read ahead alone though...ssshhhh, don't tell her!) She really enjoyed it: giggled at the funny bits, loved picking out story details captured in the illustrations (figuring out which girl is Lina and which is Cassie, Gus' tail knocking over the pencil cup on his way out the window). The map at the beginning of the book really captured her attention before we even started reading, and she spent quite some time reading what all the buildings were and getting her bearings. Looking forward to seeing her responses when we finish it together. I promise I won't give away the ending!

B.E. Librarian, Grandparent

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